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Empowering High Schoolers to become

At the Youth Inquiry Network, our mission is simple yet profound: to empower high school students like you to become confident researchers, critical thinkers, and effective communicators.

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Our Pillars


Inclusivity is foundational to creating an environment where all students, regardless of their background or resources, feel welcomed, valued, and supported. We acknowledge the importance of accessibility and diversity within the STEM field and strive to ensure that every high school student has the opportunity to participate, learn, and contribute.


Innovation is at the core of advancing the STEM fields, promoting the pursuit of new knowledge, technologies, and solutions to complex problems. Our commitment is to encourage and empower students to exercise creative thinking, problem-solving, and the exploration of uncharted territories in research.


Collaboration is the power of collective effort and shared knowledge in achieving greater outcomes than what could be accomplished individually hence why we aim to build an inclusive community. We promote the importance of teamwork, communication, and the exchange of ideas among students, mentors, and the broader scientific community.

Meet Our Team

It's our aim to ensure that students have the right training and guidance to share and conduct research without breaking the bank.

We recognize financial barriers that often stand between young researchers and their journey which is why we are also committed to providing accessible and affordable solutions for research publication.

Join Our Growing Community

Meaningful Connections

Meet genuinely excited individuals from all across the world and engage in exciting STEM projects and activities.

Stay Connected

Stay connected about our organization's events, volunteer and research opportunities, as well as our webinars and workshops.

An International Presence






Community Members

Join The Initiative!

Become a Mentor

The Youth Inquiry Network is looking for qualified undergraduate, gradudate or even PhD students to mentor high school students, enhancing their research and communication skills. This opportunity allows university students to develop their mentorship and educational abilities, enrich their resumes, and earn a certificate.

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Volunteer for Us

The Youth Inquiry Network (YINis actively seeking volunteers who are enthusiastic about mentoring and inspiring high school students in the fields of research and STEM. This is a unique opportunity for individuals who are committed to making a difference in the lives of young learners, fostering innovators and problem solving.

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Become a Chapter Lead

Chapter leaders are vital to the Youth Inquiry Network (YIN), spearheading local initiatives by organizing events and activities to inspire future STEM leaders. They manage local operations, collaborate with YIN Ambassadors for broader impact, and play a key role in advancing STEM education in their communities. Sign up and make a impact today!

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